Silja Denise Kröger

Doctoral Student

Room S2.39

Phone: 040428756477

Email: siljadenise.kroeger (at)

Developing and Implementing Sustainability-Based Solutions for Bio-Based Plastic Production and Use to Preserve Land and Sea Environmental Quality in Europe“



The project will  investigate the potential impacts of bioplastic on the terrestrial and aquatic enviroments, including on flora, fauna and possible implications to human health. This is part of the procedures for the  biodegradable sustainability framework. By means of pre-normative research and tests of various modalities of bioplastic under laboratory and field conditions, a better knowledge about the expected or potential impacts of the release of chemicals deriving from the degradation of bioplastic will be achieved. This can, in turn, provide a solid basis for the further development of  those categories of bioplastic known to be less dangerous to human and environmental health. The work performed as part of Objective will contribute to the development of EU-harmonised criteria for biodegradability (in open-air and in oceanic conditions) and a sustainability framework that increase market transparency and improves waste management practices on land and sea.