Mathias Reininghaus

PhD StudentIMG_1516

Room: S2.33

Tel: 040-428-75-6417



Risk assessment of hydrophobic organic compounds based on the bioavailable fraction in sediment pore water systems of the coastal areas of the North and Baltic Sea

Main part of this study is the determination of the freely dissolved pore water concentration (Cfree) and the chemical activity, as well as the total concentrations of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) and polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs) in sediments of the German Bight and the rivers Elbe and Weser. Using PDMS fibers aspassive samplers, bioavailable hydrophobic organic compounds (HOCs) in pore water can be measured. The bioavailibility  of HOCs and their risk for benthic organisms will be determined via sediment (-core) analysis. At the same time, benthos communities, the influence of bioturbation on pollutant gradients in the sediment core and pollutant uptake pathways in organisms (e.g., mussles and lugworms) are considered. In combination with the investigation of near-surface suspended matter, teh exchange processes between sediment and water phase will be quantified at selected MARNET stations within the North and Baltic Sea. This investigations serve to determine the pollutant gradients and thus the direction of exchange and transport precesses between pore water and sediment. An extension and further developement of substance- and effect-related screening test should serve the identification of problem substances as well as contribute to the developement of further asessment criteria for MRSL. Already determined pollutatnt patterns and concentrations are included into the biotest with typical marine organisms (luminescent bacteria test, various algae tests for limnic and marine algae, corphi test and fish test (together with vTI)), to estimate the ecotoxicological risk. This results will be decisive for further development of OSPAR, HELCOM and MSRL monitoring programms and their assessment procedures.

As a parameter for the risk assessment, the free dissolved water concentration is becoming increasingly important (ICES, MSRL).



Frau Prof. Dr. habil. Gesine Witt

Herr Prof. Dr. habil. Henner Hollert


since 04 / 2016

PhD at Prof. Dr. med. habil. Witt at the Department of Environmental Technology at the HAW Hamburg in cooperation with Prof. Dr. med. habil. Hollert at RWTH Aachen University

2011 – 2014

Studies of Biology, Environmental Sciences (M.Sc.) at RWTH Aachen University

2008 – 2011

Studies of Biology (B.Sc.) at RWTH Aachen University

2006 – 2008

Study of Veterinary Medicine at University of Gent (Belgien)


Reininghaus M. (2014), Masters Thesis, Department of Ecosystem Analysis, RWTH Aachen University

Reininghaus, M. (2011), Bachelor Thesis, Department of Ecosystem Analysis, RWTH Aachen University


Witt G., Niehus, N., Schweikert, F.,  Reininghaus, M., (2017). In situ Gleichgewichtssammler zur Messung von hydrophoben organischen Substanzen in küstennahen marinen Sedimenten. SETAC GlB, Neustatd an der Weinstraße, November 2017.

Reininghaus, M., Niehus, N., Schweikert, F., Witt G., (2017). In situ equilibrium passive sampling of hydrophobic organic compounds in coastal marine sediments. SETAC Europe, Brussles, Belgium, May 2017


Reininghaus, M., Hercht, H., Niehus, N., Witt G. (2016). In situ equilibrium passive sampling of hydrophobic organic hydrocarbons in coastal marine sediments. SETAC GlB, Tübingen, September 2016. (Gewinner des Posterpreises der SETAC GLB 2016)

Reininghaus, M., Parkerton, T.-F., Witt, G. (2018). Development of a Method for Measurement Freely Dissolved Concentrations of Alkylated PAHs Using Solid Phase Microextraktion with PDMs Fibers. SETAC Europe, Rome, Italy, May 2018

Reininghaus, M., Parkerton, T.-F., Witt, G. (2018). Entwicklung einer Methode zur Messung frei gelöster Konzentrationen von alkylierten PAKs mithilfe der Fastphasen-Mikroextraktion mit PDMS Fasern. Umwelt 2018, Münster, September 2018.

Parkerton, T.-F., Reininghaus, M., Witt, G. (2019). Measurement Freely Dissolved Concentrations of Alkylated PAHs Using Solid Phase Microextraktion with PDMS Fibers. 2019 Sediments Conference, New Orleans, Louisiana, USA, February 2019.