Anne Kreutzer

PhD student

room: S 2.40

phone: 040-428-75-6278


Topic of PhD Thesis

Passive Sampling and Passive Dosing – an innovative approach to combined chemical and biological analysis of hydrophobic organic pollutants in marine sediment pore water

Bioavailable hydrophobic organic chemicals (HOCs) such as polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs), polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs), and dichlorodiphenyltrichloroethane (DDT) are ubiquitous in the environment and are entering marine coastal zones through effluents from anthropogenic activities. They mainly accumulate in sediments where they bind to organic particles or dissolve in the pore water. The freely dissolved pore water concentration (Cfree) is represents the bioavailable fraction that can affect sediment associated organisms. Conservative methods only consider the total sediment concentration (Ctotal), while the consideration of the freely dissolved pollutant concentration contributes to the improvement of the risk assessment of sediments. In this study, the bioavailable concentration (Cfree) in pore water as well as the total sediment concentration (Ctotal) of sediment cores from the German Bight (North Sea) are investigated using PDMS fibres as passive samplers. Subsequently, the determined pollutant patterns and concentrations are artificially restored and tested in small-scale bioassay systems on organisms of different trophic levels (algae test, daphnia test and fish egg test) in order to estimate the ecotoxicological risk.


Prof. Dr. habil. Gesine Witt, HAW Hamburg

Prof. Dr. habil. Henner Hollert, Goethe-Universität Frankfurt


Education / International experience

since 01/2018
PhD student, University of Applied Sciences Hamburg, Department Environmental Technology

since 03/2018
Assistant lecturer, Faculty of Life Sciences, University of Applied Sciences Hamburg

10/2014 – 09/2017
M. Sc. Biology, RWTH Aachen University

08/2015 – 01/2016
ERASMUS-Semester, Lund University, Sweden

10/2011 – 09/2014
B. Sc. Biology, University of Cologne



Kreutzer, A., Ramö, R., Gunnarsson, J., Witt, G. (2018): Untersuchung der Freisetzung und Resuspension hydrophober organischer Schadstoffe nach Sedimentsanierung mit Aktivkohle und Ton. SETAC GLB, Münster.

Kreutzer, A., Reininghaus, M., Nabo, N., Meyer, J., Kröncke, I., Witt, G. (2019):Effects of bioturbation on the freely dissolved hydrophobic organic chemical contribution in sediment cores on the German Bight. YES Meeting, Gent, Belgium.