Questions about studying and teaching can be found at
under the rubric studies. Here you will also find the course description and the study plans for the Bachelor of Science in Environmental Engineering.
Within this training phase for the Bachelor of Science (B.Sc.) at the Faculty of Life Sciences, you will study the following sub-areas in the field of basic chemistry:
1st – 4th semester
- General and Inorganic Chemistry (Lecture ) 4 SWS
- Chemistry 1 for environmental engineers (practical course) 2 SWS
- Biological and chemical parameters for environmental assessment (lecture) 2 SWS
- Instrumental analytics (practical course) 4 SWS
In the specialization Environmental Assessment you will study:
5th – 7th semester
- Environmental analysis (practical course) 4 SWS
Environmental assessment (seminar) 2 SWS
- Laboratory project 2 SWS
- Study project 2 SWS
- Main internship at project partners (BSH, Hereon) possible
Research-based learning is part of what we offer in the Environmental Analysis group. If you are interested in focusing on scientific work and environmental research in your bachelor or master thesis, you are welcome to contact Prof. Dr. habil. Witt and her team: